To improve support for elderly people by caregivers in Brazil, Caring for the Caregivers provides medical nutrition training to fragile caregivers.
The Brazilian population is ageing rapidly and needs appropriate care, but the caregiving profession is neither formally recognized nor organized by Brazilian society.
With the support of Danone Ecosystem, Nutricia Brazil and the Observatory of Human Longevity and Ageing co-created “Caring for the Caregivers”. The project aims to improve recognition and employability for caregivers, through professional training and by offering them a professional association that can provide them with legal, medical, and socio-cultural advice.
The project empowers nurses and doctors by training them to the specificities of home care and to the role of adapted nutrition in cancer recovery. Moreover, this project is transforming Brazil’s health care system by showing the importance of home care and by raising awareness in government and with insurance companies of the relevance of home care from a medical and economic standpoint. The project was handed over in 2015 and has been independent since.
in co-funding
Carers trained to elderly homecare
Elderlies and their family sensitized to adapted nutrition