Regenerative agriculture on impluviums

FranceSINCE 01/01/2019

Regenerative agriculture on impluviums project aims at protecting French underground waters against pollution, by helping farmers located on watersheds to implement regenerative agricultural practices.

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This project aims at accelerating the development of regenerative agriculture on key French watersheds, with the objective of protecting soils and biodiversity, preserving underground water resources, and improving the competitiveness and sustainability of farming activities on watersheds.

Agricultural surfaces represent both an asset in ensuring water infiltration and a risk associated with certain practices, such as the use of pesticides, management of livestock effluents, or plowing.

In order to address these challenges, Danone Ecosystem teamed up with the Centre de Déceloppement de l'Agrologie and Danone Eaux France to launch the Regenerative agriculture on impluviums project, which aims to support 50% of the farmers located on key French watersheds in adopting farming practices that are both economically and environmentally sustainable.

The project provides a combination of audits, training, financial and technical support and tools to help farmers improve fertilizing methods, limit the use of pesticides, preserve soil health and biodiversity, and allow them to better value their products, protect their health and build more resilient businesses.

This project establishes a replicable model for sustainable farming practices and watershed conservation.

Under the picture, some of the project's ambitions.

€ 2.5 M

in co-funding


farmers involved


ha of land with sustainable agriculture