Sustainable farming practices
ANDfruit sourcing

Farming is central to sustainable development. One in three people make a living from agriculture today, making it a powerful lever to reduce poverty and inequality. Moreover, agriculture has the potential to address many pressing environmental challenges, from climate change to protection of water resources. Farming practices today are responsible for approximately 1/3 of human-caused carbon emissions, 70% of global water use and 75% of deforestation.

With its partners, Danone Ecosystem has worked to empower farmers and help them build resilient agricultural models that respect and preserve natural resources. The guides and best practices below have been developed with them, and with our not-for-profit partners.

Meet the sustainable
sourcing community

Our project managers, farmers, and farming experts from Danone and our partners are keeping our Sustainable Sourcing Community alive everyday! About 200 people share their small victories and obstacles on a daily basis, and community members team up to solve common challenges.


  • - 10 golden rules for farmers


  • - Key points to remember to milk a cow perfectly

Danone Ecosystem
partnered with the Danone Regenerative Agriculture Knowledge Center

Eager to discover more best practices?

Danone RegDanone Ecosystem shared its best practices with the Danone Regenerative Agriculture Knowledge Center on which you can browse through more than 50 inspiring case studies from the field and apply the learnings and best practices on your own farm. From animal welfare to herd management, from emissions reduction to soil health and biodiversity, we are continuously learning how to farm better with them!