“I have lived in São Paulo for 56 years, and raised my children selling products in the street. I used to have a job where I had no connection with the boss and a bad schedule. Today I am the owner of my own business, I go out on the street whenever I want, I make my own schedule and I sell. If I need money, I’ll set a higher goal and make more sales. If I want to buy something, I buy it: I bought a notebook, a refrigerator, everything I needed. My dream was to set up a small sewing factory. I wanted to buy sewing machines, but they are expensive. So, I went out on the street with the goal of buying one. Today, I also have the machines. The street is my territory, it’s what I like to do, and I’m looking forward to more. I have grandchildren, and I want to help them study, and eventually go to college. And so I will. The Kiteiras business is very good because there are people who stay at home and have no other alternatives, they don’t have an escape. The person on the street makes friendships, she entertains herself and makes money. It’s all there. You’re happy, you chat, you sell, you make money. What else do you want?”