Our history and mission

- Emmanuel Marchant - Danone Ecosystem's General Manager

Danone Ecosystem catalyzes and develops projects that advance the public interest in ecosystems where Danone operates. Since 2009, we have co-created disruptive business models that strengthen inclusion and environmental sustainability, providing organizational know-how, technical expertise and financing support. Projects developed by Danone Ecosystem respond to local challenges linked to sustainable sourcing and regenerative agriculture; microdistribution; circular economy; and promotion of healthy drinking and eating habits at key stages of life: First 1000 days, school-aged children and ageing well! 

- Frédérick Pasquier - Operational Director, Danone Ecosystem

Danone Ecosystem was established in 2009, when the financial crisis hit the global economy and impacted unemployment rates worldwide. Danone’s CEO at the time, Franck Riboud, announced that it was time for Danone to make a major investment in its local ‘ecosystems: “It’s in a company’s best interests to take good care of its economic and social environment, meaning its suppliers, its employees, its customers or the places where it operates. That’s what I call its ecosystem.”

In response, the Danone shareholders agreed to invest € 100 million of the company’s 2009 benefits into the newly created Danone Ecosystem.

Danone Ecosystem has empowered people from all types of geographical and socio-economic backgrounds to try and build a more sustainable and inclusive economy, from the ground up. We believe it is a testament to the power of co-creation, and an example of how companies, non-profits and civil society can work together for good.

In a Tribune to Le Monde entitled “What is the role of Business?”  Franck Riboud explains his wish to create a 100 million euros fund to strengthen Danone’s ecosystem in a period of crisis. You can read the tribune in it’s original version in FR or in EN.

This website was designed to acknowledge and showcase the work of our project managers, our partners, our general managers, our CEOs, and of course, our beneficiaries with and for whom these projects were built.
